Take a closer look at this picture. Can you see the clock? Can you read the time?
This picture was taken on Wednesday evening. It was my last view of the school day as I switched off the lights, set the alarm and locked the doors. It shows our school hall, which is now our staff room, set up after an evening of professional development for our staff.
At Greenfields we do things differently; teachers understand the importance of their own professional development and so have chosen to have an extended training session once a month. This month we have been looking at how to make the best possible remote learning curriculum for our families should we need it.
Families; you are not alone in having to learn new skills here. As a school this is new to us too, but it feels better knowing that this is a journey we are on together and for you to know that we’re here to support you.
There’s no doubt in my mind that as a community we may still have some challenges to face, however I know that the children at Greenfields are lucky to have such dedicated professionals working on their behalf.
Well done Greenfields staff.