Leader: Mrs Banks (*SLE) & Mrs Bridge
Science at Greenfields Community Primary is coordinated by Mrs Banks, who is a Specialist Leader of Education for Science, and Mrs Bridge.
As recognition of the high quality science work that goes on throughout the year, from our 2-year-old provision up to Year 6, our school has earned the Primary Science Quality Mark Award. We are extremely proud of this award. The Primary Science Quality Mark is a highly successful, unique award programme to develop and celebrate the profile of science teaching, learning and leadership in primary schools. Science subject leaders join a local PSQM hub and are supported by professional development to achieve the Primary Science Quality Mark for their schools. We are due to renew our PSQM status this year.
In Science, we aim to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them. In accordance with the National Curriculum guidelines, the children in each phase have experience with topics drawn from Biology, Physics and Chemistry. They learn to question and discuss how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will happen and analyse the causes.
The children learn about the different types of scientific enquiry from Key Stage 1 and, by the time they get to Upper Key Stage 2, independently choose which enquiry type is best to answer scientific questions:
Types of scientific enquiry
- Comparative and fair testing.
- Research
- Observation over time
- Pattern-seeking
- Identifying, grouping and classifying
- Problem-solving
Outdoor Learning is a huge part of our Science curriculum and each year group has 5 weeks of Forest School sessions with our Forest School Practitioner, Mrs Creedy.