Deciding on a school for your child can be one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. We hope that our website will answer your questions, but please do contact school if there’s anything else you would like to know.
If you choose Greenfields for your child, there are certain commitments we will make to you.
Greenfields will;
…be amazed…
Plan a curriculum which fosters a sense of curiosity by introducing children to the widest worlds including the most spectacular that the human and natural world has to offer. Inspire children to want to learn. Support and challenge children whilst meeting their individual needs.
…be brave…
Instill confidence in our children through them knowing that they are part of the Greenfields school community. Give children the self-esteem to become strong mentally healthy young adults. Make explicit the link between children’s rights and their responsibilities. Always allow an opportunity to learn from a mistake.
…be original…
Ensure that children are safe; providing a supportive environment that nurtures individual and independent thought and original ideas and approaches.
…be bold…
Give children the skills to allow them to understand they have a choice in their futures. Share information with parents and carers which will allow them to support their children in their choice of future such as academic, pastoral and social information.
We have active social media pages where you can keep up to date with our family weekly homework tasks, plus important any important announcements.
You can keep in touch with us via social media:
Twitter: @GreenfieldsCPS
Instagram: greenfieldscps
Greenfields Home-School Agreement