Here at Greenfields we have our very own Community Hub. The hub is located in a separate building at the bottom of the school site and can be accessed by passing the swimming pool and caretakers house on the right then turning right at the bottom of the road. In our hub we have a food bank, a clothes bank and lots of free groups. Anyone can access the hub and you don’t need to book, just turn up and our lovely volunteers will give you a warm welcome. The Community Hub is for the whole community, not just families of our school, so if you know someone who would benefit from using this amazing provision please encourage them to come along and get involved.
Our food bank, clothes bank and clothes donations bank are well used. You don’t have to book an appointment, just turn up and take what you need. Our food bank and clothes bank are currently open Monday-Friday morning but if you can only get to us during the afternoon, please call ahead (0191 6250100) and someone will open the hub for you.
There are lots of free groups on offer, from gardening to crafts, from baby and toddler groups to book club; we have something for everyone!